Iliopsoas Grade 2 Myotendinous Junction Injury in an Elite Football Player: Return to Play Process
Athletic Injuries/rehabilitation, Pain, Psoas Muscles/injuries, Soccer, Sports Medicine, Return to SportAbstract
Groin pain is a common injury in professional footbal and widely acknowledged as a complex medical issue. Iliopsoas pathology stands as the second‐most common cause of athletic groin injury, yet iliopsoas traumatic muscle injuries are infrequent and inadequately documented in the literature. This case report outlines a grade 2 myotendinous junction injury of the iliopsoas in a football player competing in the Portuguese First League, combining an early rehabilitation protocol with ultrasound‐guided hematoma evacuation and LP‐PRP injection, enabling return to play 23 days after injury with no reported re‐injury over a period exceeding 12 months.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Alexandre Fernandes, Pedro Cunha, Júlio Silva, Carlos Duarte, Alexandre Estaca, Mónica Bettencourt, Miguel Reis e Siva (Autor)

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